江苏省住建厅领导考莅临天畅环保考察指导工作Jiangsu Provincial Housing and Construction Department leaders visit Tianchang environmental protection inspection guidance workJiangsu Provincial Housing and Construction Department leaders visit Tianchang environmental protection inspection guidance work





2014 年4月18日,江苏省住建厅领导考莅临我公司考察指导工作,并对我公司所生产的环保节能型门窗(玻璃纤维复合门窗)表示了极力认可。

On April 18, 2014, the leaders of Jiangsu Provincial Housing and Construction Department visited our company to inspect and guide the work, and strongly recognized the environmental protection and energy-saving doors and Windows (glass fiber composite doors and Windows) produced by our company.

上一篇天畅环保召开“党的群众路线教育实践活动”动员大会Tianchang environmental protection held the "Party's mass line education practice" mobilization meeting
下一篇郭兆信来天畅环保调研党的群众路线教育实践活动Guo Zhaoxin to Tianchang environmental protection research Party's mass line education practice activities



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